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R​ich Amos

Rich Amos currently volunteers in 6 trusteeship roles for charitable organisations, trusts and user led organisations that have causes about disability and community. These roles allow him to execute skills that he would otherwise gain from employment. He has a passion for understanding how strategic decisions impact on people where charities serve.

Rich has orientated himself to take up roles across social care, health, housing and technology enabled lives – all of which are aligned to TSA’s purpose that each have cross fertilisation in regards to how people live their lives. He draws on support from Shropshire Council which has inspired him to apply for positions around contributing to creating change through co-production and personalisation at a local, regional and national level.

Within the world of NHS, Rich is an alumni of Leadership for Empowered Communities and Personalised Care and Peer Leadership Development Programme, a lived experience partner of National Voices, a Patient and Public Voice Partner within System Transformation Team and locally within his ICB, a member of Experience of Care Group.

For the social housing property he lives in, Rich serves as a resident board and customer services board member. Additionally, Rich has recently been appointed an advisor to the Tribe Project.

Rich is dedicated to working alongside people and communities so they are empowered and able to raise their aspirations of what is possible.

Rich uses the intelligence he has gained, though drawing on care and support from 3 different local authorities he's lived within, to be a trainer on delivering workshops on social care legislation.