In this section, you can find the industry call to action and all of our key guidance on social alarms for TEC Commissioners, Service Providers, Suppliers and Installers.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) hosted stakeholders from the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) sector to discuss the current status of the digital telephone switchover in the TEC sector and what actions needed to be taken in order to mitigate risk of harm to alarm users. At the conclusion of the meeting there was a call to action for those industry stakeholders present to complete TEC telecare device testing on digital networks and to share those results publicly. The focus was on the sharing of results on legacy analogue TEC devices that make up most of the TEC alarm devices in the UK, where there is the most risk to alarm users when working on digital telephone lines.
This report presents the information received from several of those key TEC stakeholder present at the DHSC event as well as information received from other organisations in TEC sector.
Download the Industry Call to Action report here
As Communications Providers continue to migrate towards All IP networks, they are increasingly converging voice traffic onto their IP infrastructures which may have an adverse impact on the reliability of in-call, analogue tone based protocols.
The impact differs per region but is increasing across the UK. In addition, cellular technology is increasingly used next to broadband and optical fibre solutions.
This guidance is designed to be used in conjunction with the Technical Specification 50134‑9 which defines the IP communications protocol for social alarms, optimised for communication between stand-alone hybrid or digital alarms and Alarm Receiving Centres. ]
This Technical Specification can be purchased from the BSi on the following link: https://shop.bsigroup.com/products/alarm-systems-social-alarm-systems-ip-communications-protocol
This guidance has been produced by TSA Special Interest Group 10 (Digital Interoperability) and is designed to accompany the UK implementation standards of Technical Specification 50134‑9 which was approved by CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation) on 28th May 2018.
Further information regarding TSA Special Interest Group 10 can be found on the following link: https://www.tsa-voice.org.uk/campaigns/special-interest-gro/interoperability-integration-/
Neither this guidance nor the Technical Specification include all the necessary provisions of a contract and compliance with both the Technical Specification and this accompanying guidance cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.
Download the guidance by clicking on the image below