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TSA in partnership with East Midlands ADASS would like to invite you to our upcoming FREE one-day event. Taking place on Wednesday 17 July at Meadow Lane Stadium - home of Notts County Football Club in Nottingham.

Digital technology holds the key to revolutionising social care, offering individuals the autonomy to manage their health and social needs from the comfort of their own homes. This event will explore how integrated digital solutions can empower people of all ages to live independently, supported by seamless coordination between health, housing, and social care services. Our aim is to place individuals at the heart of care, ensuring they have the freedom to live life on their own terms.

Throughout the conference you will hear the informed opinions and perspectives from a number of key strategic leaders on current challenges and the future plans. We will be examining the progress within the East Midlands region and will hear from local authority representatives and their partners who will share their journeys, detailing the objectives, initiatives undertaken, and the impacts observed. This regional focus will help contextualise the digital transformation in social care to the specific needs and challenges faced by the East Midlands, ensuring that every individual in our community can benefit from these advancements.

Who Should Attend:
This conference is ideal for Directors, Assistant Directors, Principal Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Transformation Leads, Digital Leads, TSA Members, and all professionals involved in health and social care. Whether you are shaping policy, implementing digital solutions, or providing direct care, your participation is key to driving forward the digital agenda and empowering individuals to lead independent, fulfilling lives.

Secure Your Free Place:
Register now to discover how digital innovations in social care can lead to more personalised, independent living solutions for people. Your participation will contribute to shaping a future where everyone can live on their own terms, supported by advanced, responsive care systems. Book your place today!

Networking and Innovation Zone:
There will be up to 20 exhibitors showcasing the latest innovative solutions. This event won't just be about talks, it will also provide ample opportunities for meaningful networking, because the innovations of tomorrow are built on the connections made today.

I​f you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at this event please contact TSA via

We look forward to welcoming you to a day filled with inspiring discussions and innovative ideas that put people at the centre of social care.


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