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Finding help to cope with dementia

One of the main conditions that Technology Enabled Care is an ideal solution to help with is dementia. Dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall term that describes a group of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60 to 80 percent of cases.

Almost all of us, either professionally or personally, will have knowledge of dementia, the impact it has and the struggles people face. But the breadth of technology, from everyday simple gadgets that can be found on the high street through to GPS locating devices linked to smartphones, is ever-growing.

While daily routine can become a struggle, those with dementia are usually adamant they wish to remain in their own homes and communities. Technology can play a key role in supporting that objective, helping individuals and their carers and providing vital support in times of ever tightening budgets. The biggest challenge is finding the right information and advice on where to find such technology, learning about what has worked for others and building the confidence to feel that informed decisions can be made.

TSA and our member organisations provide simple messages about the outcomes that can be achieved, the range of solutions that can make a difference and where they can be found.

Dementia: Online Resources

Around 850,000 people in the UK live with dementia. That figure is forecast to reach 2 million by 2051. Many TSA members provide Technology Enabled Care services (TECS) to support people with dementia, their carers and families. They can also provide useful advice about how cost-effective TEC can make a difference.

There are plenty of good online resources. Here are some of them.

Alzheimer Scotland - Information and resources for Scotland

Alzheimer’ Society - Information, factsheet on assistive technology, research, dementia and Dementia-friendly technology (A charter that helps every person with dementia benefit from technology that meets their needs)

ATDementia - Information on Assistive Technology that can help people with dementia live more independently

ATHome - Supporting independent living, assistive technology and TECS

Carers UK - Information and advice for carers, Jointly app, technology and equipment

Click Guide to dementia - Directory of online resources for professionals, carers, individuals needing care and support (Shirley Ayres)

Dementia Action Alliances - Local resources

Dementia Care - Information, services, resources

Dementia Friends - How to be involved as a Dementia Friend

Dementia resource for carers and care providers - (NICE) 

Dementia Services Development Centre - (Stirling)

Dementia: The One-Stop Guide

Dementia UK - Sources of support for families 

Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) Telecare factsheet

Elder - help individuals with a range of different needs and make the transition into care as seamless as possible. 

Living Made Easy

House of Memories - App which enables you to explore objects from the past and share memories

Independent Age - Living with dementia 

Living Well with dementia (Ireland)

NICE Evidence Base - Telecare and dementia

Unforgettable - Technology to purchase, Family Guide to Dementia

Rica - Dementia Research

Technology Charter for People Living with Dementia in Scotland

Young Dementia UK - Helpful technology including apps


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