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New Global Branding Announced Supporting Everon's Mission To Transform People's Lives Across Scandinavia and The U.K.


1​4 March 2025


Everon today announces new global branding to support its mission to transform the lives of people needing care across Scandinavia and the U.K. through the power of technology, including AI. It brings together the strengths of its business in Sweden, Finland and the U.K and follows the implementation of streamlined operations that came into force at the start of the year.


The company will be known as Everon Group under the overall leadership of Juha Sarsama, Deputy CEO. He will be supported by a four-strong global leadership team, namely Pasi Oksa, Group Chief Technical Officer, Antti Miettinen, Group Chief Financial Officer, Maud Waltersson, Vice-President of Global Operations and Peter Kerly, Vice-President of Global Sales.


The new branding and structural changes coincide with an exciting time for suppliers of technology enabled care with the advent of AI and machine learning revolutionising how care is provided with Everon taking a lead in developing safe cost-effective and scalable digital solutions that puts the individual first.


Everon has gone from strength to strength since its story began in 2004 in Finland with the U.K joining in 2009 and Sweden the following year.The U.K. is the European market leader for grouped digital solutions – supporting over 41,000 clients since 2020. Finland and Sweden, meanwhile, focus on care homes and homecare, handling almost 19.5 million alerts since December 2024. The combined group will provide solutions that accommodates all markets and position Everon for future growth.


Juha Sarsama, Deputy Chief Executive, Everon Group, said: “This is a big moment for Everon Group. The new branding announced today is part of a wider strategy to give the company a sharper focus to deliver technology solutions, improve service provision and transform people’s lives.


“While day-to-day operations will remain largely unchanged, the move towards a more global structure is an exciting one. For those leading on health and care across Europe, we want to be your partner in safely meeting the challenge of supporting a growing older population. That conversation starts with putting the individual first – and that is the mission we will continue to deliver.”


Peter Kerly, VP, Global Sales for the U.K., Finland and Sweden said: “The announcement of a new global brand is part of an exciting new chapter for Everon, with much more to come in the weeks and months ahead.


“Sweden, Finland and the U.K are at different stages of digital transformation.We will be stronger for bringing the strengths and experience of our teams in each country together. Together we intend to support our clients in embracing the AI and machine learning revolution that is delivering cost effective, safe and scalable digital solutions to deliver a prevention-led model of care.”


Everon has become a trusted partner of clients working across community health, social care and housing over the past 21 years. Inspired by the respected Nordic model of care that puts family and community first, the business has been focuses from the start on delivering person-centred care.


Today Everon has more than 100,000 connections in place across the three regions with a range of cloud-based wireless and data-driven technologies and a proven SaaS (Software as a Service) approach that has allowed more people to live independently at home for longer.


This, in turn, has contributed to reducing cost and meeting the impact of demographic pressures on health and social care services across all three regions. As Everon Group, the business intends to capitalise on market opportunities for predictive care using AI and machine learning.


Over the past year the company has shifted from traditional digital wearable solutions such as pendants to passive cloud-based intelligent systems. These systems monitor behaviour using sensors around the home, without the need for wearables. This automated data feeds into a central portal that provides health and social care setting with crucial data and insights that can allow intervention to support people at risk, including the elderly and vulnerable at the earliest opportunity.


To support this change, the company has signed strategic partnerships to explore the full potential of AI and machine learning, including an agreement in the U.K. with Manchester-based Howz exploring the development of the next generation of remote monitoring technology. The move to intelligent cloud-base systems has allowed for better patient care, improved risk management and more efficient delivery. As Everon Group, the company is determined to build the momentum with further exciting partnerships and products in development.

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