05 June 2024
Due to Nobi’s outstanding pilot results in fall prevention, The Digital Social Care Team at the NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) have committed to furnishing another 500 care home living units with Nobi’s proven fall prevention and detection technology. They are able to do this using funding from Digitising Social Care’s Digital Transformation Fund. Over the coming months the L&SC ICB will assess 50 care homes in the area to identify where the lights could have the greatest impact. Selection criteria will focus on the level of care required by residents, the average rate of falls and the eagerness of staff to embrace new technologies.
“This initiative represents a groundbreaking moment in care—transforming technology-theory into tangible outcomes. After years of substantial investments, our quest to harness technology for fall prevention faced challenges, leaving us without concrete evidence of its efficacy. Today, Nobi changes the narrative. This intuitive AI solution doesn’t just mitigate the risk of falls; it unequivocally demonstrates the powerful role of technology in revolutionising fall prevention, marking a significant leap forward in our approach to healthcare.”
-Deborah Gent, Project Partner within the Digital Social Care Team in Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB
Success at Hartland House
In 2023, the British care home Hartland House in Milnthorpe (Cumbria, UK) fitted 8 Nobi-lights for fall prevention and detection. This was part of a pilot project by the NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) of Lancashire & South-Cumbria. After just four months, Hartland House decided that the pilot results were so positive that it wanted to purchase Nobi technology for the other rooms in its nursing home as well.
Today, the NHS L&SC ICB also decided to give another 50 care homes in the region the opportunity to integrate Nobi into their facilities. The decision was based on the outstanding results, more specifically the proven prevention of falls.
Leanne Scrogham, Care Manager at Hartland House, and her team have proved how impactful these lights can be when implemented with care and enthusiasm.
The incidence of falls has been reduced by 84% since installation, with 100% of falls detected and assistance after a fall within 2 minutes.
Lancashire and South Cumbria prioritising fall prevention
For the L&SC ICB fall prevention is a key part of their local activity. Falls are a leading cause of death among seniors. They are also a contributor to pressure on emergency services. Preventing falls benefits not only seniors and their caregivers and families, as well as the broader healthcare system.
Fall prevention:
“At L&SC ICB, we are fully committed to embracing cutting-edge technologies that aid us in preventing fall incidents. By preventing falls, we also alleviate the strain on our healthcare system by reducing the number of ambulance callouts and hospital admissions. Nobi exemplifies how technology can facilitate a holistic collaboration between social care and healthcare”
-Sue Capstick, programme lead of Digitisation and Transformation in Social Care