08 July 2024
The inaugural State of the Sector report, a collaborative report between TSA and PA Consulting, was revealed at the 2024 ITEC Conference. The report features a number of case studies including one that highlights the work South Tyneside is doing to embed TEC awareness in their workforce.
South Tyneside Council’s ambition is for TEC to be part and parcel of social care, not an add on, and they have revamped staff training to make that happen.
A newly developed induction process will see all new staff in operational roles within adult social care (ASC) spend time with the ASC front door team (Let’s Talk) and the council’s in-house TEC and wellbeing services, along with other inter-linked services.
“Spending time with these preventative services at an early stage of their employment enables us to promote our approach to independence, which is a key objective within our ASC strategy, Living Better Lives. Staff will have the opportunity to observe TEC assessments and installations, getting to see first-hand how TEC can support people, putting it at the forefront of their thinking when addressing people’s needs and desired outcomes,” explains Craig Danks, the council’s service manager for ASC assurance and service improvement.
The council has embraced TSA’s virtual house e-learning, an immersive learning experience that is designed to build knowledge and confidence in understanding and prescribing TEC in a series of real-life training scenarios within a digital world.
So far more than 180 staff have completed the tool’s e-learning modules, raising awareness within the organisation, with TEC referrals so far increasing by 32%. The workforce is also supported via monthly drop-in sessions at a TEC demonstration flat.
The council also runs tailored sessions for teams including on dementia, learning disabilities and mental health. To gauge the success of the new induction programme, and the other initiatives, the council is tracking referral and outcome activity for TEC in order to create a baseline from which progress will be measured.
The State of The Sector report found that removing barriers and raising awareness of TEC across the social care and health workforce is a key challenge that councils will need to face to achieve their TEC objectives over the next 12 months.
To read the full State of the Sector report, download here
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