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Bringing the health and care benefits of smart technology into the home: State of the Sector Report 2024

2​3 July 2024

The 2024 State of the Sector report, a collaborative report between TSA and PA Consulting, highlights the Alexa Smart Properties programme as an example of smart technology increasingly becoming the norm in a variety of settings.

'From ambition to action' State of the Sector report 2024

The programme has already integrated devices into various areas of hospitality, such as hotels and theme parks, and has more recently been introduced into care homes and hospitals.

Vocala, an Amazon solution provider, and the consultancy Connect4Healthcare are currently working with local authorities in the north east of England to test out smart technology in people’s homes.

Pilot projects will monitor a range of outcomes, from the number of calls to telecare before and after installation, to hospital discharge and readmittance.

The goal of the Alexa Smart Properties pilot is to create smarter, more connected communities.

Social care consultant Alison Tombs, who started one of the projects, explains: “Our shared mission is clear: by seamlessly integrating Alexa devices into people’s homes, we aim to reduce social isolation, uplift overall wellbeing, and minimise the number of people needing long-term care after reablement.”

“I take great pride in my involvement in this initiative, ensuring by incorporating Alexa devices into our social care approach we deliver the right size package of care to every resident.”

The full State of The Sector report is available for download here

The report explores how TEC can help service commissioners meet a tidal wave of demand amidst severe financial pressures, areas of TEC development, and the challenges they expect to face. The report also compiles various research and insights to demonstrate the current use of TEC in helping individuals to live independently and safely. It also highlights the plans of TEC service commissioners, including councils and central government, to invest in further development over the next 12 months.

At the heart of this report are the findings of a new in-depth survey of adult social care leaders. With representatives from one in five councils in the UK responding to the survey, the results provide new insight into the TEC sector, while highlighting the many opportunities ahead.

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