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Communications Provider Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) template is now live


02 July 2024

The latest version of the agreed Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) template has been produced for Service Providers to share their customer, ARC and scheme telephone numbers securely with Comms Providers (e.g. BT, Virgin Media O2 etc…)


Those Service Providers who have not already signed up to a DSA with comms providers are encouraged to take this step as it offers a further layer of protection for themselves and their customers who continue to be reliant on landline telephony to deliver life-critical services – the DSA will allow BT/Virgin Media O2 etc. to put markers in their CRM systems which flag the lines as being connected to telecare units.

An individual DSA will need to be completed for each Communications Provider that the data is shared with and it is recommended that data is shared in a proportionate basis, for example:

  1. Send all telephone numbers to BT
  2. BT flags the numbers that it is responsible for
  3. Remove all BT numbers from the data to be sent and send the remaining numbers to Virgin Media O2
  4. Virgin Media O2 flags the numbers that it is responsible for
  5. Remove all Virgin Media O2 numbers from the data to be sent and send the remaining numbers to Sky
  6. Repeat above steps for each Communications Provider that has signed up to a DSA

It is then recommended that additional data is shared on a regular basis (e.g. monthly)

Please note that this DSA process should be completed in addition to sharing any ARC dialled numbers with the TSA – please continue to share the dialled numbers (the numbers programmed into each telecare unit) for any telecare units capable of communicating wit analogue protocols over the UK telephony network.

Any questions, please contact TSA’s ALL IP helpdesk on

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