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#EverydayTEC - Technology Enabled Care Services - Toolkit

The everyday help we need, to enjoy the lives we want

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D​ownload the Toolkit

What is the #EverydayTEC campaign?

In 2024, Dr Sarah Alden published a study looking at what people want from technology enabled care (TEC). A key finding was the lack of a common understanding and awareness of TEC.

One reason, identified in the research, is our sector’s focus on equipment and kit. TEC messaging, imagery and language often centres on technology, not people.

As the national advisory body for TEC, we want to change this and shout from the rooftops about how TEC helps people to lead gloriously ordinary, everyday lives, full of meaning and purpose.

This campaign is designed to do exactly that. We’re arming services and suppliers with creative assets and consistent messaging that show the benefits of TEC to people, families and carers.

These assets are available for anyone to download and can be used in social media, websites, presentations and more to grow understanding and awareness of TEC.

We also want our campaign resources to be used to communicate the power of TEC to systems and governments including council commissioners, NHS staff and policy makers.

We have created a suite of #EverydayTEC assets, all free-to-use. They are all available in a range of editable templates and formats, and they are all copyright-free.



W​hat is contained within the toolkit?

W​e have included various visual assets and informative documents for you to utilise on your own websites, on social media and in any other ongoing projects. Where possible, we have included both editable (.ai format, editable in Adobe Illustrator and various other vector graphics programmes) and non-editable (.png) formats for you to use.

I​ncluded in the pack are:

  • A​n A2 poster template
  • A​ large format poster template
  • A​ roller banner template
  • V​arious images and templates for use on social media, including carousel images
  • A​n 'About This Campaign & Language Guide' document - to aid with use of the toolkit

I​n addition to these various assets, we invite you to share both the full video at the top of this page and the shorter videos below on your social media channels, in your presentations or even embed them on your website.

S​hort videos to share on social media.


#EverydayTEC - Technology Enabled Care Services - Short



#EverydayTEC - Keith's Story



#EverydayTEC - Nathan's Story


L​ink to this video on social media:
L​ink to this video on social media:
L​ink to this video on social media:

Using the assets


We have included a document in the toolkit titled 'About This Campaign & Language Guide'. This gives more information on the campaign and how to utilise the assets.

This campaign is all about improving awareness and understanding of TEC. Words play a vital role here, something we know from Dr Sarah Alden’s research into what people want from TEC - and this is why we have included a 'language guide' within the 'About this Campaign' document in the toolkit alongside the visual assets.

Sarah Alden's research identified the need for a common, simple TEC language to help people understand the benefits and navigate the options.

One family carer told Sarah: “I have heard about pendants, but I don’t know about anything else… there is so much of it, it’s hard to know where to start.” Another said, “I could do with a technology expert… to…talk me through what is best…someone who sits down and listens.”

We have developed a language list to promote the use of a common vocabulary around TEC. Crucially, this language list puts people and their lives at the heart of wording around TEC.

Stories are important. Language shapes people’s attitudes and behaviours and that’s why we want to provide messaging that changes the narrative around TEC.



Do you need any help?

W​e are here to help you make the most of the assets provided. Simply email us at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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