Support call handlers to give the best service to their customers using a variety of techniques. You’ll learn how to listen effectively to calls, give feedback, coach in the moment and make recommendations for development. Case study Careline Support – part of Churchill Retirement Living’s
Handling queries and complaints or upset or angry clients and family members can be a challenge. Explore steps for doing this effectively, taking a solution-focussed approach and opportunities to take learning from experiences.
It’s not enough to share numbers and figures. Through practical examples find ways of translating data into intelligence and providing insightful commentary.
Providing the right care means really understanding what a client wants and needs. Practical exploration of empathy mapping, questioning and listening and a step-by-step process for summarising, clarifying and matching needs.
Many platforms and technology offer opportunities for monitoring individual or team effectiveness against specific measures. Consider the opportunities for the data you have to provide insight to inform decisions and strategies.
“ It was great to have the opportunity to discuss the equipment, other things we should consider and the chance to ask questions…” “ Great training, loved the way that personal stories were used…” Sarah McCarry Support Planner, Community Led Support - Adult Social Care, Thurrock Council
Just had a very thought provoking (telecare training session 1 with TSA, I have no experience with TEC, I’m a plumbing based building surveyor for NEAP but I have a keen interest in visual impairments and dementia (I have designed the framework for adaptations within dementia friendly for local
The CarelineSoS staff were scheduled to have Call Handling training before the lockdown, and TSA offered the training remotely due to the unprecedented times we are all going through. TSA provided an excellent refresher course to our team over two days. The response quotes from the CarelineSOS team