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e-Learning and Online Resources

Access All Your Personalised Training Materials, Curated Content
and Bespoke e-Learning Programming via the TSA Hub




The way people access information and learn is changing. At TSA we recognise the need for your people to access resources and training at the point of need so that it can fit flexibly around their work and lives.

The TSA Hub allows you to build your own learning content, creating a patchwork quilt of resources, videos and guides either from the TSA bank or by commissioning bespoke materials. We can also work with you to bring together uniquely curated learning materials from across the sector, signposting your people to open access articles, podcasts, self-assessments and guides from some of our sector partners.

The experienced TSA Academy team can customise experiences specifically for your business. As well as traditional eLearning and LMS approaches, we champion supporting blended programmes by incorporating other learning materials which can either be accessed directly through the TSA Hub or which you can link to via your own intranet or LMS.







The TSA Hub will allow you to:

Achieve high levels of learning content engagement across employees

Utilise a multi-channel approach to learning delivery

Create a self-service learning culture

Deploy the foundation for your blended learning solution quickly




Each of the TSA Academy topics can be supported via the TSA Hub contact us here if you’d like to know more

