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ITEC 2025


Thank you for attending our ITEC 2025 Conference, which took place on 17-18 March at the ICC in Birmingham.

We were delighted to be joined by over 1200 individuals over the course of the conference, with 500 attending our Gala Dinner.

TSA would like to give a special thank you to all our speakers, sponsors and exhibitors.

I​TEC Conference 2026 will take place on 16 & 17 March 2026. More details will follow shortly.


Y​ou can find photos from our official photographer from all of the action at ITEC Conference 2025, including day by day accounts, the QSF Awards, the ITEC awards and the Gala Dinner.


A​ll of the recordings from each session are available to view now. The slides decks we have permission to share can also be found in this section.


M​ain Plenary





Morning Plenary
Transforming Lives
Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive Officer, TSA
Roy Sandbach, Interim Chair, TSA
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Conference Chair
Stephen Kinnock MP, Minister of State for Care, Department of Health and Social Care
Melanie Williams, President of ADASS and Corporate Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Nottinghamshire County Council
V​iew session recording (coming soon)


Afternoon Plenary
Imagining our Futures



Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Conference Chair
Simon Arnold, Chair, Non-Executive Director, Strategic Futures Advisor Committee (SFAC)
Dr Clenton Farquharson CBE, Associate Director, Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Board  
Lynne Corner, Director, VOICE and Deputy Director, UK's national Innovation Centre for Ageing
Caoilionn Hurley, Managing Director, Life Services, Co-Operative Group
D​r Dianne Gutiw, AI Expert: Research Consultant and Lecturer
V​iew session recording

S​imon Arnold
D​r Dianne Gutiw



Innovation Stage

Session One
Building a Common Understanding of TEC



Shantelle Million-Lawson, Chief Operating Officer, TSA
Rhian Williamson, Care Technology Expert, PA Consulting
Steve Brunt, Behavioural Strategy Consultant, June 2 Consulting
Rich Amos, Lived Experience Adviser
Debra Edwards, Lived Experience Adviser
Kate Maddocks, Growth Relationship Manager, Stockport Homes
Craig Barlow, Managing Director, Appello
V​iew Session Recording (coming soon)


Session Two
Unlocking the power of proactive and preventative care services
Sir David Pearson, Chair, Non-Executive Director, TEC Quality
Paul Berney, Associate, TSA
Nerys Hebdon, Head of TEC Customer Enablement, Access Group
Bradley Coupar, Tech Enabled Care Manager (Social Worker), London Borough of Sutton
Rupert Lawrence, Head of Medequip Connect
S​am Watkins, Managing Director, Delta Wellbeing

Session Three
Enhancing our Workforce: Strategies for Building a Stronger Future




Kevin McSorley, Head of Radius 24
Jane Brightman, Director of Workforce Strategy, Skills for Care
Julie Stone, Workforce Development Associate, TSA
Helen Loveday, Head of Quality and Improvement, TEC Quality
V​iew Session Recording (coming soon)


Session Four
Driving Digital Success: Harnessing Innovation and Mitigating Risk
Shantelle Million-Lawson, Chief Operating Officer, TSA
David Hammond, Member of Sector Risk and Innovation Group
Stuart Ellis, Member of Sector Risk and Innovation Group
Paul Shead, Member of Sector Risk and Innovation Group
Tracy Harrison, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Housing Consortium
Charlotte Findlay, Head of Membership Services, TSA


M​ain Plenary

Morning Plenary
Driving the Digital Transformation



Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Conference Chair
Sir David Pearson, Chair, TEC Quality
Eve Roodhouse, Interim Director of Strategy and Reform, LGA
Matthew Evans, Chief Operating Officer & Director of Markets, techUK
Elizabeth Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Digital Poverty Alliance
Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive, TSA
V​iew session recording (coming soon)


I​nnovation Stage

Session One
Global Health and Care Landscape: Analysing Today's Realities and Exploring Tomorrow's Possibilities

Ros Roughton, Non Executive Director, TSA
Robert Turnbull, Care Technology Expert, PA Consulting
Alex Mitchell, Head of Voice® Operations & Strategic Partnerships, UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing (NICA)
Lynne Douglas, A Churchill Travel Fellow, The Churchill Fellowship
V​iew Session Recording (coming soon)


Session Two
The Digital Transition: Strategies For Success

Charlotte Findlay, Head of Membership Services, TSA
Gareth Lister, Director of Customer Product, Virgin Media 02
Emily Smith, Policy Manager, Department of Health and Social Care
Archie Ratcliffe, Public Affairs and Campaigns, LGA
D​avid Hammond, Chief Executive Officer, Chiptech
T​im Mulrey, Business Strategy & Transformation, TSA
V​iew session recording (coming soon)


Session Three
Innovation, Transformation, Partnerships, and Workforce Development in TEC: the winners’ Stories!

Shantelle Million-Lawson, Chief Operating Officer, TSA
Kerri Robinson, Head of Customer Success, Alcove Group
Carla Dix, Head of Business Development and Partnerships, Llesiant Delta Wellbeing
Colin McFadyen, Programme Manager, Digital Office for Scottish Local Government
Aaron Edwards, National Telecare Programme Manager, TEC Cymru
Joe McLoughlin, Managing Director, Careium
V​iew session recording (coming soon)


Session Four
Shaping a Better Future: Improving outcomes by turning insights into action

Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive, TSA
Simon Arnold, Chair, Strategic Futures Advisory Committee (SFAC) & Non Executive Director, TSA
Peter Skinner, Programme Director, Digitising Social Care, NHS Transformation Directorate | NHS England
Olly Peppiatt, Care Technology Expert, PA Consulting
V​iew session recording (coming soon)



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